Best Home Remedies For Malaria


One of the best home remedies for malaria is holy basil juice, which has anti-malarial properties. The juice can be taken raw or mixed with black pepper powder. The juice can be helpful in the cold stage of the disease and can even help diagnose the severity of the condition. Another home remedy for malaria is tulsi leaves, which can be consumed raw or cooked in two cups of water and cooled. This mixture has a strong anti-malarial effect and can be used as tea.


Cinnamon is one of the most traditional best home remedies for malaria. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic properties and is known to reduce the pain of malaria fever and the symptoms of diarrhea and nausea. You can also drink cinnamon tea, which contains the organic compound cinnamaldehyde. This mixture can be taken in the morning or evening and should be continued until you feel better. Taken orally, cinnamon can also cure malaria.


The anti-microbial properties of turmeric make it an excellent medicine against malaria. It can be taken in the form of turmeric milk and helps with the symptoms of malaria. You can also take turmeric orange juice to boost your immunity. It will help you recover faster and reduce the fever and pain that are associated with the disease. It can also help you flush toxins from your system. It can be ingested as a supplement or in its raw form, and it is considered the best home remedy for malaria.

Holy basil leaves

The use of holy basil leaves as the best home remedies for malaria is widespread in Ayurvedic medicine. This herb contains the active compound eugenol, which can help with the symptoms of malaria. This herb can also be consumed as a tea or crushed leaves. Either method is effective and can be taken to prevent the onset of malaria. However, if you are experiencing a malaria attack, it is best to consult a doctor before trying any home remedies.


People who are suffering from malaria should consume grapefruit juice as part of their treatment. It contains a quinine-like substance that is helpful in the fight against malaria parasites. It also contains antioxidants that are beneficial for the immune system and prevent sickness. When taken in the right amount, grapefruit can help the body recover quickly from malaria. The fruit also contains significant amounts of carbohydrates and dietary fibers.

Fever nut

One of the most effective home remedies for malaria is the fever nut. This fruit contains seeds that boost the immune system and keep malaria at bay. The seeds can be made into a decoction by extracting the leaves into a 10-15 ml juice or taken as a powder. The seeds can be taken two to three hours before the malaria attack or one hour after it has started. You can also take a decoction made from the leaves and seeds of fever nut.


One of the best natural home remedies for malaria is ginger. Ginger is readily available in most homes and is rich in nutrients. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking ginger tea can improve immunity and speed up recovery from malaria. You can also drink a concoction of ginger and honey. A mixture of cinnamon and black pepper with water on your forehead will also reduce body temperature and reduce the risk of malaria. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are known for their immune-boosting qualities and are excellent home remedies for malaria. These fruits are abundant in vitamin C, which helps to reduce fever, prevent infection and hasten the healing process. You can eat citrus fruits throughout the day, especially lemon and lime, or drink their juice. However, do not consume citrus fruits on an empty stomach because they cause bloating. To avoid this, avoid consuming large amounts of fruit.

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