Traditional Chinese Medicine is herbal medicine for heart and it can views the heart as the "ruler of the body" and the emotional regulator of the body. A healthy heart manifests as calm, peacefulness, and harmonious relationships. However, an unhealthy heart manifests as irritability, worry, and loss of concentration. Disturbed heart is often associated with anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. Disturbed heart can also manifest as physical diseases.
Honokiol is a polyphenol that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and is a potential therapeutic agent. It also has high bioavailability. The chemical is extracted using a process called rapid separation, which was reported in the Journal of Chromatography A in 2007. In less than an hour, honokiol is separated with 98% purity. This compound is thought to protect against lipid peroxidation by interfering with the production of free radicals.
In a study, honokiol inhibited the development of carotid atherosclerotic plaque in ApoE-/ mice. This was demonstrated by using a perivascular collar placed on the carotid arteries of mice. The mice were then treated with honokiol at dosages of 10 or 20 mg/kg or with the statin calcium attenuate the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Afterward, the carotid arteries were excised to study the effects of these drugs.
Hibiscus is an herb that is known for its cardiovascular benefits. It has been shown to be effective in combating the bird flu virus and may help with blood pressure levels. A meta-analysis of studies has also shown that hibiscus may also lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
In one study, hibiscus extracts decreased "bad" cholesterol while raising "good" cholesterol. Further research is needed to determine how hibiscus affects cholesterol levels. But it has been shown to decrease blood pressure and improve blood sugar levels. High blood pressure weakens the heart and increases the risk for heart disease, and you should have to use best herbal medicine for heart.
Oatstraw has many beneficial properties. Its infusion can provide deep, nourishing energy throughout the day, and it calms the nervous system and lowers blood pressure. It also improves mood and helps people cope with stress and anxiety. It is a great food for your heart and can be included in your daily diet.
Oat straw is also used to treat insomnia, depression, and anxiety. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine to treat anxiety and improve sleep. The herb has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also lowers cholesterol, blood sugar, and promotes nitric oxide synthesis.
St. John's Wort
St. John's wort is an herb that may be helpful for a variety of ailments, including heartburn, ulcers, blood purify, and pressure sores. It is may also be helpful for wounds and skin conditions such as psoriasis. However, it is best to discuss side effects with your healthcare provider before taking this herb. Side effects may include hives, dry mouth, headaches, and restlessness. In addition, it can increase your sensitivity to sunlight. For these reasons, it's best to avoid exposure to sunlight while taking this herb.
Studies have indicated that St. John's wort may help to regulate neurotransmitters in the brain. Certain medications can raise serotonin levels in the brain, which can lead to severe side effects such as high blood pressure, sweating, and dilation of the pupils. In severe cases, serotonin syndrome can be life-threatening.
Although ginkgo is not proven to cure heart disease, it can help reduce the risk of the condition. In one small study, ginkgo decreased the risk of PAD by 0.8 percent. However, it did not affect the risk of heart attack or stroke. More research is needed to determine the specific effects of ginkgo. Regardless of the potential benefits, you should have to use best herbal medicine for heart before using ginkgo to treat your heart disease.
A recent study published in December 2017 looked at the impact of gingko on patients with acute ischemic stroke. The study included 348 patients, half of whom adhered to a daily ginkgo regimen while the other half took aspirin alone. The group that took both ginkgo and aspirin fared better than the control group. Interestingly, the study also found that ginkgo improved blood circulation in patients with coronary artery disease.
Pomegranate Juice
It is now known that pomegranate juice is a herbal medicine for heart that can protect the heart against heart disease. It has been shown to reduce blood vessel damage and reverse the progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition where the arteries become hardened and can cause heart attacks and strokes. Studies have shown that pomegranate juice reduces inflammation of blood vessel cells and reduces oxidative stress.
Pomegranate juice is a herbal medicine for heart. This is because it contains antioxidants which help lower systolic blood pressure. Pomegranate juice has also been shown to reduce plaque formation in the arteries. In one study, pomegranate juice significantly reduced plaque and improved blood flow in carotid arteries.